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Chinese Christian Church Music Institute for Worship (CCCMIW)

is a Christian, non-denominational, non-profit organization established in 1986 by

Rev. Dr. Richard Lin & Rev. Dr. Samuel Tang, for the following purpose:

  • To promote church music ministry in local churches. Offer special training courses in conducting, vocal, accompanist, worship, and music ministry.

  • To enhance the singing and preaching of the WORD to a meaningful worship experience.

  • To hold choral festivals .

  • To provide church music and worship resources.




  • 促進本地教會的音樂事工;提供指揮、聲樂和鋼琴訓練,並有關崇拜及音樂事奉的課程。

  • 提升歌頌和傳講聖道的素質,使崇拜更有意義。

  • 舉辦詩班節。

  • 提供教會音樂及崇拜資料。

Mission Statement 使命宣言


It is our conviction that church music exists solely for the purpose of offering up a sacrifice of praise to worship God the Creator and Redeemer, rather than gratify the sensation of worshippers. Worship, thus understood, is no longer the job of a few musically capable, but is the privilege and responsibility of every member of the Body instead. The founding of this institute, therefore, is to communicate and educate such a blessed role of church music in worship through regular lectures and special sessions which offer assistance to ministers and church music leaders in the church, and provide workshops to equip the music co-workers further in their professional skill, so that church music may be genuinely integrated into Christian worship. It is our hope that the end of our worship is not merely to provide an edifying experience for ourselves, but to become a pleasing aroma before God to whom be all glory and praise.


我們確信教會音樂存在純然為獻上讚美祭,用以崇拜 神 - 我們的創造主和救贖,而並非為滿足敬拜者的感覺。既然如此,崇拜不再是少數有音樂恩賜的人的事工,而是教會每一份子的特權和責任。學院創立的目的在於透過輔助牧師和教會音樂領導人的講座和課程,建立並教導教會在崇拜中這蒙福的重要任務。我們提供課程,裝備音樂同工,以致教會音樂能真正溶化在基督徒崇拜中。我們希求崇拜的目的,並非只為自己啓發性的經驗,而是為獻與值得榮耀和讚美的 神馨香的活祭。

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