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Faculty 導師

Keynote Speaker主題講員

Dr. Daniel Law

羅炳良教授是香港中文大學音樂系榮休教授, 任教作曲、音樂分析、早期歐洲音樂學及電腦電子音樂等, 其音樂作品在世界各地演出, 並為香港著名合唱指揮,榮入1980年國際音樂名人錄, 1972年入選美國榮譽音樂學會 (Pi Kappa Lambda)。歷任哈佛大學、史丹福大學,加州大學柏克萊分校及波士頓大學訪問學人及訪問教授。退休後專心鑽硏崇拜學及教會音樂,曾在不同大學, 神學院講學及在很多國際學術會議發表文章,並在所屬教會, 香港宣道會北角堂,致力建立有規模的聖樂隊工。


Dr. Daniel Law taught music Composition, Analysis, Early European Music, Electric and Computer Music at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and is now an Emeritus Professor of the Department of Music. A renowned composer and choral conductor, his compositions have been commissioned and performed all over the world. He was admitted in Pi Kappa Lambda, an honor music society in the USA and was included in the 1980 International Who’s Who in Music. He was also visiting scholar/ professor at Harvard, Stanford, US Berkeley and Boston universities. After retirement, he concentrated in the research of worship liturgies and church music and lectured in many theological seminaries, universities and presented keynote speeches at many international conferences. He has been instrumental in establishing a very structured team of church musicians at his local church in Hong Kong.


陳寶聲牧師出生於香港,1981年浸會學院音樂系畢業後,負笈至美國德州西南浸信神學院接受神學裝備,1984年獲道學碩士,主修教會音樂。先後曾在德州、加州及香港牧會,2011年至今,在洛杉磯國語浸信會教會擔任事工統籌牧師。陳牧師曾任教會宣道委員會教牧顧問,除了推動青少年參與美國原住民暑期宣教事工,亦曾到中國、中美、中亞及北非等地參與短宣及培訓事工。陳寶聲牧師與妻子杜素平師母共育有子女三名,Ruth Ann, Joanna及Mark。

Rev. Alan Chan, native of Hong Kong, graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Music from Hong Kong Baptist College in 1981. He continued his studies at Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas where he received a Master’s degree in Theology with an emphasis in Church Music. He has served various churches in Texas, California, and Hong Kong. Since 2011, Rev. Chan has been the Pastor of Church Ministry Coordination at Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles (MBCLA). He also served as Pastoral Advisor of MBCLA’s missions committee, during which he coordinated the Arizona Youth Summer Mission, and participated in short-term missions trips to China, Central America, Central Asia and North Africa. Rev. Chan and his wife, Pauline, have three children, Ruth Ann, Joanna, and Mark.

Rev. Alan Chan 

陳麗嬋師母是新澤西州羅格斯大學-紐華克分校的聲樂老師。 她擁有國立臺灣師範大學音樂學士及曼哈頓音樂學院的聲樂表演音樂碩士。 她是1990年巴黎國際歌唱比賽的二等獎得獎者。 在開始從事教學工作之前,她曾在美國和歐洲的歌劇院擔任過10年的全職專業演唱。 陳麗嬋師母在一個傳統的台灣家庭中長大,在大學時回應了神對她生命及事奉的呼召。 陳麗嬋師母現在在新澤西州的中宣會新恩堂與她的丈夫John Maxham牧師一起敬拜和事奉。 她目前正在韋伯崇拜研究所學習。

​Li-Chan Chen-Maxham teaches voice at Rutgers University, New Jersey. She holds a B.A. in Music from the National Taiwan Normal University and an M.M. in Vocal Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. She won 2nd Prize in the 1990 International Paris Singing Competition. For 10 years before embarking on a teaching career, she performed professionally in opera houses in the US and Europe. Li-Chan grew up in a traditional Taiwanese family; she then had a personal encounter with the Lord when she was in college and answered the call to commit her life and serve Him soon after. She now worships and serves with her husband, Rev. John Maxham, at OCM Grace Church in New Jersey. She is currently pursuing further education at Webber Institute of Worship Studies.

Rev. Samuel Ho

Education 學歷:

Ph.D. - Graduate Theological Union,  USA

Ph.D. - Trinity Theological Seminary, USA

D.T.S. - Columbia Evangelical Seminary, USA

Th.D. - Andersonville Theology Seminary, USA

D.Min. (c) - Trinity Theological Seminary, USA

STM -  Yale University Divinity School, USA

M.Div 道學碩士 - 香港中國神學研究院 China Graduate School of Theology

M.Phil., B.A. 哲學碩士、文學士 - 香港中文大學 Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ministry Highlight 事奉簡略:

美國基督工人神學院 - 教務長、系統神學副教授、教牧學博士課程主任 2011-15

澳洲維省宣道會宣信堂 - 創堂宣教士及堂主任 1987-1990

西雅圖華人宣道會 - 主任牧師 2004-2011

加拿大恩道華人神學院 - 客座教授 2011至今

加拿大克理威廉神學院 - 客座教授 2006至今

香港中國神學研究院  - 副教授兼中國文化研究中心研究員 1998-2003

香港基督徒藝術協會 - 主席 1998-2009

聖言講道研經學院 - 副院長兼教務長


Publications 著述:

《耳目可傳之道:宣講與藝術》 (2018)

《回眸聖言:十步文萃》(主編) (2016)




Faith and Practice: Liturgical Renewal in Chinese Churches, (主編1998)

《名畫與聖誕》(CD, 1998)

Dr. David McCabe

麥大衛博士是伯特利大學Missionary Church Endowed的神學教授。他在那裡已任教11年。他是新約研究和基督教經文的神學解讀專家。 他獲得了聖經研究碩士和阿斯伯里神學院神學研究碩士,並被呼召作全職學術事工。 他在愛丁堡大學完成新約學院的新約語言,文學和神學博士。 在伯特利大學任教之前,麥博士在立陶宛克萊佩達的LCC國際大學神學系任教。 麥大衛博士已婚,並育有兩個孩子。

Dr. David McCabe is the Missionary Church Endowed Professor of Biblical Theology at Bethel University, where he has taught for 11 years. His focus is on New Testament studies and the theological reading of Christian Scripture.   He earned an M.A. in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in Theological Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary, where he was called to academic ministry. His Ph.D. is from New College, University of Edinburgh in New Testament language, literature and theology. Before Bethel, McCabe taught at LCC International University in Klaipeda, Lithuania, where he served in the theology department.  Dr. McCabe is married with two children.


Dr. Herbert Tseng


Dr. Herbert Tsang is a professional conductor as well as an active performer. He travels extensively as a guest conductor, lecturer, and clinician throughout the US, Canada, and Hong Kong. His topics of interest include The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Worship, The Role of Music and the Arts in Worship, and Worship Renewal in the Church. He has served as a seminary director as well as advisor and mentor to seminary graduate students and doctoral candidates. He holds degrees in Worship Studies, Philosophy, Theological Studies, and Music. Dr. Tsang currently serves as the President of church Music Ministry of Canada, Full Professor at Trinity Western University, and Music Director/Conductor of SINFONIA MOSAIC.

Dr. Vicky Tan

陳小雲博士是伯特利大學的音樂教授,並室樂團和管樂團的指揮。 她教授指揮,鋼琴教學,音樂理論,視唱和耳樂訓練。 同時,她還擔任印第安納州Clay Methodist Church和南灣華人基督教會的合唱音樂總監。


Dr. Vicky Tan Warkentien is Professor of Music at Bethel University, where her work includes directing the Chamber Orchestra and Wind Ensemble. She also teaches courses in conducting, piano pedagogy, music theory, sight-singing and ear-training. Concurrently, she serves as the Director of Choral Music at Clay Methodist Church and Michiana Chinese Christian Church in Indiana.


Dr. Warkentien frequently collaborates with Chinese churches and seminaries in conducting worship and music trainings in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

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