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Classes 課程
崇拜 - 新舊對照 Worships in the Old & New Testaments
(英語 English)
麥大衛博士 Dr. David McCabe
Throughout the Old Testament, God delivers His own “son”, Israel, from slavery in order that Israel and his king would truly worship God alone. The Old Testament drama of the “obedient Son” and the “victorious King” finds its fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ, who is both the model worshiper as well as the object of worship in the New Testament. The symbolic world of temple practices shaped the worship of Israel in the Old Testament and the identity of the Church in the New Testament. These themes merge together in early apostolic exhortation. Come examine Christ’s model for the essence of worship through His preaching, prayer, transformation of the significance and framework of Israel’s Passover, and observance of the Lord’s Supper.
(粤語 Cantonese)
何崇謙牧師 Rev. Sam Ho
崇拜新視野:透過聖樂去崇拜 Worship Matters: Worship through Music
(粤語 Cantonese)
曾浩斌教授 Dr. Herbert Tsang
Through the biblical, historical, and theological lens, we will explore the application of music in Christian worship. Specific attention is given to the challenges of the evangelical community in North American Chinese churches.
The Giver and the gifted: Knowing the whole story of God and my place within His story
(國語 Mandarin)
陳麗嬋師母 Li-Chan Chen-Maxham
我們將會探討施恩的神與蒙恩的人的關係 - 神國度的心意、計劃,並個人在神國度裏的地位的關係。一個被神選召的音樂事奉者應該怎樣回應,並活出全人生命的敬拜?我們會一起籍同唱古典和近代聖詩去討論詩詞的聖經神學根基。我們更會藉音樂及戲劇性的經文呈現去輔助加深我們對神的敬拜。
In this session, we will study the story of the Giver and the gifted, and the gifted’s place within the Giver’s story. What is the musician’s proper response to God’s calling of a ministering musician as well as a life-style of worship? Gain practical insight on how to worship through classical and modern hymns, and in the understanding of the theology of hymn texts. Attendees will learn how to use music and drama as elements of expression in worship and participate in dramatic presentations of Scripture passages.
Let’s talk about worship
(國語 Mandarin)
陳寶聲牧師 Rev. Alan Chan
The workshop will be conducted through the interaction between the workshop leader and all the attendees. Based on the biblical truth we shall revisit the meaning and teaching of corporate worship. Putting different church tradition and culture into consideration, along with various factors of time, place, content, music order and dressing of a worship service, we shall learn how to worship in spirit and in truth.
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