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Century Celebration 世紀禮讚 Book 1-10


Book 10

Sing a Joyful Song


歡樂之歌 Sing a Joyful Song

鄭棣聲 譯 / Stan Pethel


分享平安 Speak Peace

鄭棣聲 譯 / Lisa Edele


主耶穌,紀念我 Lord Jesus, Think On Me

毛菁菁 譯 / SYNESIUS OF CYRENE, tr. by  A.W. Chatfield / Thurlow T. Steffy


真神羔羊,我來  O Lamb of God, I Come

唐佑之 譯/ Charlotte Elliott / Michael Cox


號角聲吹響 Let the Trumpet Sound

區美賢 譯 / Natalie Sleeth


因祂活著 Becuase He Lives

Gloria Gaither & William J. Gaither / William J. Gaither / arr. by Jack Schrader


全心信靠 With All Your Heart

鄭棣聲 譯 / K. Lee Scott


你們說我是誰?  Who Do People Say I am?

朱樂華 譯 / French Psalter, tr. by Elizabeth L. Smith / TOULON, by Genevan Psalter / Craig Courtney


主名榮美 How Excellent Is Thy Name

區美賢 譯 / Eugene Butler



小敏 / 黃安倫 編

Book 9

Rise Up and Sing


起來歡唱 Rise Up and Sing

朱樂華 譯 / Dana Mengel


我耐心等候祂 I Wait Patiently for the Lord

朱樂華 譯 / Allen Pote


神必引領 God Knows My Way

區美賢 譯 / Eugene Butler


上主的同在  Surely the Presence of the Lord Is in this Place

毛菁菁 譯 / Lanny Wolfe / setting by Jack Schrader


相信依靠  Trust and Believe

區美賢 譯 / TRUST ADN OBEY / Carl J. Nygard, Jr.


齊拍手 Clap Your Hands and Sing

區美賢 譯 / Patti Drennan


清心的人有福  Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

毛菁菁 譯 / Mary Kay Beall / John Carter


我靈不安 I'm Troubled

鄭棣聲 譯 /  from the Spiritual Heritage / Howard A. Roberts



小敏 / 黃安倫 編


祂來到這裡 He Comes to Us

唐佑之 譯 / Albert Schweitzer / Jane M. Marshall

Book 8

Those Who Wait

Upon the Lord


等候耶和華 Those Who Wait Upon the Lord

區美賢 譯 / Gary Hallquist


我在這裡 Here I am, Lord

區美賢 譯 / Daniel L. Schutte / setting by Jack Schrader


應許地 Promised Land

區美賢 譯 / Natalie Sleeth


諸天述說 The Heaven Proclaim

區美賢 譯 / Hal H. Hopson / Benedetto Marcello / arr. by Hal H. Hopson


上主的居所多可愛 How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place

區美賢 譯 / Mary Lynn Lightfoot



林安國 / 施婷婷


快樂早晨 Joy Returns In the Morning

區美賢 譯 / Judith Snowdon


萬邦之歌 Song for Nations

區美賢 譯 / Chris Christensen / arr. by Tom Brooks


有一希奇黑夜 On a Night of Wonder

區美賢 譯 / Jay Althouse

Book 7

Here Is Love



區美賢 譯

神慈愛  Here Is Love

William Rees / Robert Lowry / arr. Greg Wheatley


愛主, 我神 To Love Our God

John Parker / Mark Hayes


求主憐憫我 O Lord, Have Mercy

tr. by Allen W. Chatfield / a Kyrie from Paraguay / arr. Hal H. Hopson


馬利亞, 可知道?Mary, Did You Know?

Mark Lowry & Buddy Green / arr. Fred Bock


敬畏祂 Revere Him – From Ecclesiastes

Shimmer Y. Foster / 楊士滿


得人漁夫 I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Dave & Jean Perry


教會建立在磐石上 Built On a Rock the Church Shall Stand

Nikolai F.S. Grundtvig / Hus Ludvig M. Linderman / arr. Dale Wood


克爾特禱告 Celtic Prayer

Mark Cabaniss / arr. John Purifoy

Book 6

高聲頌揚歡呼 Cry Out and Shout

區美賢 譯 / Douglas E. Wagner


尋找就必尋見 Seek and You Will Find

區美賢 譯 / Natalie Sleeth


天使頌歌 Angel's Carol

章毛菁菁 譯 / John Rutter


拍手歡呼 Clap Your Hands and Sing

吳文秋 譯 / Allen Pote


哈利路亞 Alleluia

Ralph Manuel


萬事互相效力 All Things Work Together

區美賢 譯 / David Schwoebel


我要順服主 I Want to Be

區美賢 譯 / Phillip Landgrave


請再為我歌唱一曲 Sing Them Over Again to Me

區美賢 譯 / P.P. Bliss / arr. Gilbert M. Martin

Book 5

主耶穌, 我愛祢 My Jesus, I Love Thee

區美賢 譯 / Wm. R. Featherston / Adoniram Gordon / arr. by Paul Sjolund


神聖之愛 Love Divine

區美賢 譯 / Charles Wesley / Michael Cox


感謝神 Deo Gracias

區美賢 譯 / Natalie Sleeth


哦,主啊,你的愛 The Love of Christ, My Lord

朱樂華 譯 / Jim Ailor


我的牧者 My Shepherd

吳文秋 譯 / English Folk Tune, arr. Ruth Artman


乘著戰車 Ride the Chariot

區美賢 譯 / Spiritual, arr. by Andre Thomas


溫柔慈聲 Softly and Tenderly

區美賢 譯 / W.L. Thompson / arr. by Gilbert Martin


使徒的禱告 An Apostle's Prayer

區美賢 譯 / David Schwoebel

Book 4

基督真道之歌 The Word of Christ in Song

區美賢 譯 / Phillip Landgrave


來求我 Come to Me

唐佑之 譯 / Phyllis Miller / John Miller



吳文秋 譯 / Traditional Spiritual / arr. by Paul Sjolun


詩篇八十六篇 Psalm 86

邱李自珍 譯 /Carl J. Nygard Jr.


聖哉上主 Sanctus

區美賢 譯 / Gabriel Faure / arr. by John Rutter


燭光頌曲 Candlelight Carol

章毛菁菁 譯 / John Rutter


十架上的呼喊 Cross-Cry

區美賢 譯/ Gilbert M. Martin / American Spiritual / arr. Gilbert M. Martin


主的道路  The Journey

朱樂華 譯 / Ed Harris


開我的眼 Open My Eyes

Clara H. Scott / arry. Gilbert M. Martin

Book 3

保羅的勸勉 Notes from Paul

區美賢 譯 / Eugene Butler


快樂歌 Joyful, Joyful

Henry van Dyke / Ludwig van Beethoven / arr. by Alice Parker


永生神就是靈 Immortal, Invisible

Walter Chambers Smith / Lanny Allen


有一地方 I Know a Place

吳文秋 譯 / Jan Reese


天父領我 He Leadeth Me

J.H. Gilmore / W.B. Bradbury / arr. by Gilbert M. Martin


使馬槽充滿榮耀 'Round the Glory Manger

區美賢 譯 / Spiritual, arr. by K. Lee Scott


哈利路亞,我主已復活 Alleluia! Our Lord Is Risen

邱李自珍 譯 / John Carter


神深愛世人 God So Loved The World

區美賢 譯 / John Stainer / arr. by Walter S. Collins


神的平安 A Blessing of Peace

朱樂華 譯 / David Schwoebel

Book 2

主,祢是我們永居所 Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place

高蔡慧君 譯 / Lloyd Larson


稱頌主,我靈 Bless the Lord, My Soul

高蔡慧君 譯 / Hal H. Hopson / J.S. Bach / arr. by Hal H. Hopson


求主為我造清潔心 Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God

高蔡慧君 譯 / John Carter


虔守主餐 Let Us Break Bread Together

Traditional Spiritual / arr. by John Ness Beck


基督來與我們同住 Christ Came to Live Here Among Us

陳愛光 譯 / Hal H. Hopson / Traditional Cameroon Tune / arr. by Hal H. Hopson


善牧慈恩 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

鄭棣聲 譯 / Isaac Watts / American Folk Melody / setting by Howard Helvey


十二個門進聖城 Twelve Gates into the City

區美賢 譯 / Traditional Spiritual / arr. by Larry Shackley

來到墳墓必活著到永遠 Come to the Tomb & Live Forevermore

區美賢 譯 / Jack Schrader / Robert C. Clatterbuck

Book 1

榮耀歸主 Glory to God

高蔡慧君 譯 / Hal H. Hopson / A Chant from Peru / arr. by Hal H. Hopson


求主憐憫 Lord, Have Mercy

高蔡慧君 譯 / Hal H. Hopson / J.S. Bach / arr. by Hal H. Hopson


如羔羊 Like a Lamb

區美賢 譯 / Mary Kay Beall


來共晉筵 Come to the Feast

區美賢 譯 / Mary Kay Beall


哦!耶穌是我主  Yes, Jesus Is My Savior

吳文秋譯 / Hal H. Hopson / Swahili Song from Kenya / arr.  by Hal H. Hopson


哈利,哈利,哈利  Halle, Halle, Halle

陳愛光 譯 / Hal H. Hopson / Traditional Caribbean Tune / arr. by Hal H. Hopson


當感謝主  O Give Thanks

高蔡慧君 譯 / An Old French Canon /  Hal H. Hopson


專心仰賴主 Trust in the Lord

高蔡慧君 譯 / Mary Kay Beall / John Carter

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